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Subliminal Mind Audios

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If only others understood how to use and change reality through

the power of subliminal audio technology…

Can You Imagine Getting The Ideal Life – Then Smashing Past Your Internal Blocks To Attract Pretty Much Anything You’ve Ever Wanted

Everything offered below is battle tested and ready to go – and though your experience might differ from those closest to me who have used these audios to create better lives…it is my firm belief that you will change your situation and life for the better as you gradually move through these audios and build up your positive subconscious beliefs – 

Here is what i have to offer:

Mind Quiet (free) – To try out my subliminals, please enjoy some zen quiet time. Bring your brainwaves down to absolute, silence and all around quiet. Then feel your life, altogether quiet down while you gently focus on anything that you need to get accomplished. Allow Mind Quiet to set you free. 

Ultimate Motivation (free) – Gain intense and lasting vision for success as this audio track guides your thinking and mind to be entirely thinking, and motivated for goal setting and productivity and success. There is a reason I have motivation as a separate subliminal in my showcase, and that is because it almost needs to be targeted separately from other subliminal elements, in order to be fully accepted by the conscious and subconscious mind.

Deep Breath (free) – Gain deeper breathing, and mindset – as you drift into higher meditation, and focus on your breath, for mindset and – life altering breathing change. This will set you on course, to understand your brain, and thinking – and altogether mind, meditation habits so that – your breathing is eventually, meditation controlled and you understand how to breath, and think…until you might want, higher – forms of thinking, and meditation, later. 

Resolve Life Trauma (free) – Moving on from very tiring and horrifying life trauma events…is nothing great to think about. But what if there was an easy way to heal, and move past all emotional events, and even clear your thinking, possibly…for long term resolve. I have done this with myself, and this works on a very foundation level to help clear, your thinking and emotions from even…the worst that life can bring you.

Millionaire Mindset (free) – It can be hard to fathom how the rich and wealthy think, but with this subliminal you will have the mentality, and subliminal understanding and know-how to create a personal mega abundance fortune for yourself. This is merely the center stage of intelligent design, and as your life and plans and mega crazy internal, powerful subconscious mind starts to shift toward grander and higher level wealth thinking…there will be no limits, as you ascend into abundance programming and beyond, into the right and proper millionaire thinking mindset, which is just a whole new reality and world…all on its own.

Inspire Me (free) – Find greater life thinking, and inspired thought…with this subliminal. Even find higher life meaning, and purpose with greater, and deeper higher inspired thought. You will gain higher creative, and greater ability to think deeper, and in new ways that can bring you…a different, and refreshing – creative, life perspective and greater thoughts, and general – cognitive thinking agility, and depth. 

Feel Sorcery Thunder (free) – Feel and experience, dynamic force contact…and energetically feel, why my sorcery magick, might be so powerful. I had to let others fully first hand, experience, what I am talking about in the occult, and now you can experience what I feel, and embrace…true sorcery, and magick ritual contact, from…my own specially crafted subliminal. 

Max Relax (1st gen $114) – Helps you disconnect from stress and negative mental and emotional turmoil in general, then guides you to become far more relaxed. Guides you to be and sustain a calmer and more relaxed physical, emotional and mental state of existence. 

Lite Heal (1st gen $155) – Guides you through a mild to moderate emotional and mental cleanse. You will know generally what your issues are and that they are gradually being dealt with with a mild cleansing. Can take 2 – 3 months of continuous use for this to adequately deal with internal problems, issues and blocks within your subconscious mind.

The Release Method (1st gen $187) – Brings you to openly and genuinely…release and let go from past emotional discomfort, pain and anything that clings on from very deep in your past. Guides you to understand why things happened the way they did, and allows you to move on – possibly to other mentally rebuilding subliminals. 

Hand of God (2nd gen $259) – Discover yourself spiritually as you receive lightening strikes of understanding and insight about who you are…and what this world is about. Contains mild intuition boost, and understanding of life purpose. 

Dissolve Negativity (2nd gen $135) – Resolve…and remove – the causes of mind – and brain negativity and thinking that causes…tension, and complaints – and dive into far stronger and more resilient thinking, and far more – positive life outlook thinking…with a focus on removing and staying more positive – and far less negativity as a whole. 

Happiness and Motivation Amplifier (2nd gen $187) – Elevate – your life personal happiness, and daily self motivation using a very…special subliminal, I had to take notice of. We all need, to get over life lack of…internal – problems and other things, that prevent us from feeling, both happiness and self motivation. This subliminal helps us find, life gratitude and motivation so that we have more – self happiness, and general volition, so that we can get far more of what we need…done.

Dynamo (2nd gen $259) – If you find yourself, in a thinking…and life rut, where nothing feels nice, or works out…maybe using the dynamo, subliminal program is your best move. This is about removing old, stagnant and, unworkable ways of living, and thoughts in a way that is life dynamic and…forces you to become your highest self, over time.

Maverick (2nd gen $332) – Finding your true life worth, and pursuing – life success, without very great, mind guidance…might be a fruitless venture, unless you have very great, and deep…life, focus and successful, life programming to help you…uncover, the maverick – within.

Become An Empath (1st gen $135) – Find deeper life and…perhaps, emotional meaning in the world…with intuitive emotional understanding, and greater emotional intelligence altogether. This is a very simple but exotic look at intuitive emotional healing, and emotional intelligence…as a whole, in general. 

Think and Grow Rich (2nd gen – $259) – Follow the subliminal guidance of the well received classic of financial wealth discovery. Think and Grow Rich…in terms of subliminal discovery is financial intelligence, wealth financial intelligence, and knowing money and deeper money and wealth ideas so as not to be deceived by lesser and uncommon methods and forms of money and financial tomfoolery in the universe, and worlds in general. 

The Science of Getting Rich (2nd gen – $218) – Follow the subliminal guidance of this well received finance and personal development, ultimate classic. Reprogram your brain to understand wealth, and riches and business so that you as well…can live and breathe a rich, and scientifically financially accurate…daily life. 

Abundant Mindset (2nd gen – $155) – Reprogram your mind, body and soul…to accept and think in terms of prosperity and abundance. You will gain the mindset of what true abundance means to you – as well as the mental and emotional programming you need to finally break away from lack, poverty and not having enough. Contains mild happiness and positivity programming. 

Opulence Amplifier (2nd gen – $155) – Cause your mind and life, to elevate your opulence, way of viewing and living this life. You will gain greater, self understanding of your wants and needs, and desires and gain…inherent life, abundance thinking to remove old unworkable prosperity ideas, and install higher opulence living, and talking, and thinking ideas…for a new and higher level, living existence. 

Remove Anxiety (2nd gen – $135) – Gently remove and reduce your anxiety over the coming weeks and – possibly even sooner than that. As long as you are willing to listen for at least 3 hours per usage day…then there is no reason why your life should ever be bogged down by anxiety – almost…ever again. 

Life Detox (1st gen – $187) – Remove the mental and emotional head trash that leaves you weighed down and – causes you to feel as if life is completely off track. Use this subliminal for blocks of 3 – 4 months at a time to see how much emotional and mind garbage you can remove…can create a very intense life restart and emotional and mental reset for your life. 

Exercise & Fitness Amplifier (1st gen – $228) – This subliminal causes you to think…more tune with physical and – bodily fitness. You will be more focused on your workouts, and have generally more motivation and persistence to bring you to your fitness goals…much easier and – possibly even faster. 

Life Clarity Lite (1st gen – $725) – Mild release of everything nasty and negative from our past that isn’t serving us well at all, then guides us on a small detox and brings us more positive beliefs and emotions, then mildly boosts mental clarity – happiness, and personal well being.

Psychic Mind (2nd gen – $259) – Enhance your internal intuition, and magnify your intuitive mind to explore and expand, and to see and feel…astral and spirit plane phenomena, in a way that helps you consciously, intuitively live and see…the astral and empower, your intuitive force and intuitive mind…internally, very deeply .

Become Maximally Positive (2nd gen – $187) – Overcome that nagging, complaining and balatantly negatively…just horrible mindset and thinking – which is almost a way of living for some people. You will notice a drastic positive change in the first 7 days and realize…that somehow…some way – the world is actually much happier and joyful than you ever thought (positivity programming and general life outlook booster). 

Self Improvement Amplifier (2nd gen – $218) – Amplify your self development, journey and understand – your weaknesses, and other self development, weak spots in your life, and psychology where…this subliminal can, guide you to develop and understand, yourself. Through personal development, self awareness you will deeply understand what your self improvement, weak points and faults might be, and develop yourself, to gain strength over those faults . 

The Matrix Revealer (1st gen – $135) – Open your eyes to the 4th dimension and realize what you are truly missing in this world…everything is monstrously different than we have ever thought, and nothing will ever be the same as you discover and see that the spirit world and physical reality are nothing but two different sides of the same coin. Be Warned: This subliminal brings you into the universe of the angels and big brother and destroys the blocks that keep you seeing reality as just work, personal life…and nothing else. 

Creative Rampage (1st gen – $218) – Turn up your…imagination and feel that enthralling energy of the – most unique and empowering creative energy and sound waves…hitting your brain and mind. Allows you to work on projects and see reality…with greatly heightened perception, creativity – and the ability to see past, and through…otherwise impossible reality elements. 

Mind Power (2nd gen – $187) – Feel internal power, and greater resiliency even during times of trouble, and emotional duress. This is about being powerful, and clear minded even when thing get emotionally intense and challenging. This subliminal will help you keep your mind, clear and without – emotionally drained thinking, even during strained or mentally troubling times. 

Ultimate Focus & Intelligence (2nd gen – $187) – Cause your brain, and mind to go into hyper drive, to get you to, learn and listen and…deeply gain higher intelligence, and greater learning and life understanding from anything you are trying to focus on, and understand, and learn faster. This is about focusing, and understanding, and comprehending faster and greater, and deeper than…you may have ever thought, remotely conceivable before. 

Maximum Focus & Productivity (2nd gen – $187) – Bring your mental focus and productivity to the next level with mind programming that removes that mental disclarity and unfocused thoughts. Then brings your entire being to an entirely different level…over a period of several weeks. As long as you listen for at least 3 hours daily, there is no reason why your brain – mind – and life should not considerably change within the next several weeks of consistent listening. 

Ultra Healing (2nd gen – $259) – If you have found any of my other programs to work, then you might love the function of ultra healing and clearing, in a way that causes your brain and mind, to go into hyper drive, to help clear and heal, all problems and ailments in your mind, and body – and spirit. This is a total cleanse of your soul to skin, but is about…healing, and possibly repairing those parts of you, that are not whole. 

Rocket Reader (2nd gen – $218) – Gain higher reading comprehension and speed, as you listen and have your brain, gain higher intelligence in order to think deeper and read in a higher quality way, so that you can remember more, and read more with higher quality reading comprehension…as a whole. 

Zen Mindset (1st gen – $218) – When life gets rough…do you want to be completely destroyed emotionally – or completely in tune with, however circumstances might change…because everyone wants to be in control of their minds…and emotions, but few have ever truly achieved that. Zen mindset can be yours…and is a very strong step in the right direction of mental and emotional development. 

Ultimate Meditation (1st gen – $187) – Feel very deep, and calming meditation at the drop of a hat. This is a very easy and beyond…simple way of getting into very conscious, and active states of very powerful meditation, without…years of ongoing practice. No other meditation program on the planet is this powerful, or this effective…and you need only listen for several minutes, to key into far reaching – life altering, deeply life changing…meditation. 

Awakening Kundalini (2nd gen – $259) – Elevate your life, and mind to higher spiritual elevation, and awakening. This will align your life path, and spiritual path to bring you greater spiritual life growth, and higher desire to understand and know yourself, greatly – spiritually and for your entire astral, and physical life purpose. 

Deep Heal (1st gen – $187) – Incredibly deep detox of everything from your present and past with deep and cleansing release of the negativity of your past with positive outlook, and mental clarity, insight and mild intuition boost to help balance everything out.

Spiritual Awakening (1st gen – $135) – Dive into who you truly are…and finally embrace, what it honestly – and genuinely means to be a spiritual human being on this planet. This subliminal helps open up your intuition and guides you…on finally understanding…what it might mean to understand your spiritual side – in a very subtle, but clear and…curious journey – to better knowing yourself, as a human being on this planet. 

Intelligence Amplifier (2nd gen – $187) – Elevate your subconscious, and gain higher life focus and thinking as you…shift your brain, and mind to elevate intelligence and add IQ points to your conscious and subconscious focus. Your brain will elevate, and your mind will start to…think at higher quality levels of thinking, and higher rates of brainwave processing. This means higher thinking power, and deeper thinking, and greater quality of thinking speed, and cognitive function – overall. 

Overcome Fear Gain Self Esteem (2nd gen – $187) – Remove or greatly reduce fears that hold you back, and gain…very powerful self esteem and confidence, that will help you live and thrive in stronger and greater ways. 

Confidence & Mental Acuity (1st gen – $187) – Rewire your mind – and brain, to embrace a stronger self esteem and better…though also stronger, mental acuity and generally better memory. You won’t be disappointed with your mental and…personal growth gains, in this subliminal. 

Maximum Sleep (1st gen – $187) – Drive your sleep into another dimension as you drop old paradigms that cause you unrest and unbearable nights of…just not being able to drift off. This shifts your brain into a notably quieter state and guides you into very deep sleep almost within the few several minutes. 

Deepest Heal (1st gen – $259) – Experience the fullest and deepest release from current and past emotional, mental and physical negativity and subconscious garbage your life could possibly handle. Mild emotional buffer included, but this can be very intense if you have a lot of internal negativity you know that you cling onto.

Brain & Memory Amplifier (1st gen – $135) – Builds up your mind and brain so that your memory and focus is pushed into a much higher level – then develops your daily mental clarity, memory generally over several weeks and months of use. Best used while you are attempting to maximize your mental faculties…and gain a mental edge during intense or complex work and school life. 

Attract Love (2nd gen – $259) – If you are seeking a love life partner, for immediate or long term romantic partnership and relationship…then this subliminal might be for you. Your mind is recalibrated to help you deeply attract your perfect life love partner, for the most compatible life love relationship, remotely possible. 

Ultimate Sexual Attraction (2nd gen – $259) – Enhances your energy in a way that helps those you find sexually attractive to notice and respond to you far more. As you heal away past and current sexual issues your energy and attractive force gets stronger and causes those you find sexually attractive to react to your energy. 

Ultimate Meditation and Intelligence (1st gen – $311) – Greatly expand…your mind, and intelligence, and your spiritual – life, and well being…with this subliminal. Deeply enhance your thinking, brain and mind with greater intelligence, helping you think and live clearly and without any hampering of, lower level life…mundane affairs, slipping you up as the zen meditation, and way of being, and thinking reprograms you to think, and calmly and focused…live a far more balanced, and intelligent life, altogether. 

Mind Clarity (1st gen – $218) – Expand your mind, brain – and life to new boundaries as you raise your thoughts and mental energy…to better assimilate far stronger, and greater thinking…better clarity, and far deeper mental thresholds of understanding your life, your problems – and resolving your issues and gaining better problem solving skills in the process. Your mind and brain get enhanced through a series of very life…bending advancements that brings everything – to a far stronger and greater level of clarity, in general. 

Brain Evolution (1st gen – $549) – Dial into a much…higher level of being, thinking and living. With zen mind, life and attitude, with great success programming, and the higher intelligence programming of this subliminal…there will be no stopping you, from feeling and living a far more enriched, and…successful, mindset and lifestyle. Zen meditation, and higher level brain and mind, thinking…directly causes this to be great brain evolution, and a very…life, and zen mind, empowering subliminal. 

Ultimate Writer (1st gen – $187) – Bring your writing prowess and mind…into a much stronger and more efficient, and effective – gear of mental acuity and focus. This subliminal will bring the best writer out of you…no matter what type of written work that you do. If you want to become your best writing self – this subliminal will help you. 

Achievement Amplifier (1st gen – $135) – Brings you to a higher level of internal and personal motivation to get all needed elements in your life sorted and aligned togher – the job done…then shifts your general mindset to get into your work rather than begrudgingly bringing yourself to get your tasks done – now you are suddenly reprogrammed to be not just more positive about your work load…but actually productive and focused on whatever needs to be completed each day. 

Law of Attraction Master (1st gen – $259) – Develop your ability to attract and create the most…idea life, and finally undertand what you truly – want, desire and need in this life…and gradually become more positive and productive in your thinking – as you listen more. 

Business Success (2nd gen – $829) – Develop your mindset and internal foundation to create a stable and profitable business for long term growth that will propel you to newer and greater heights over time (highly recommended to use Deep Heal or Life Clarity Lite for internal clearing prior to usng this sub).

Life Purpose Amplifier (1st gen – $135) – Crank up your life, goals – and ambitions to perfectly align with the best possible life…while also aligning with your true life purpose. This audio removes the mental and emotional, head trash – and guides you into a drastically better, and stronger…life vision and path that actually might fit…who you actually are inside. 

Prosperity Amplifier (1st gen – $218) – Deeply develop higher level…prosperity and abundance thinking, and bring your entire being and life, into powerful and deeper prosperity…in all ways that remotely matter, in your life. Causes you to have a great money attractive force, which causes you to then, become a money attracting magnet. This greatly enables you to embrace, and become highly prosperous in general. 

Ultimate Wealth Mind (2nd gen – $363) – A huge jumpstart for your money life and financial well being as you slowly and drastically amplify your core ideas about money, prosperity in general – then shift your thinking and actions to completely and fully align with whatever true and amplified prosperity means for you. The goal is to get your money situation greatly enhanced as you understand your money life incalculably better. 

Impossibility & Unfathomable Life Amplifier (1st gen – $259) – This is about living a very surreal and impossibly good series of events that makes everything just pop with excitement. If you want life to be a little crazy and impossibly good…then you might want to check this life explosion of a subliminal out – because nothing will ever be the same. 

Life Ultimate Success (2nd gen – $321) – When you want a far more successful mindset – and life as a whole…then you need some serious…mind and brain – rewiring and…to rebuild your idea of long term success from the ground up. This audio can help you mentally, and emotionally – and physically get the life success mindset…and help you push toward reaching and achieving all of your life major and minor goals – in a positive and fulfilling way. 

Ultimate Success & Luck (2nd gen – $187) – Changes your core beliefs so that you are thinking and eventually acting based on success and living a life that reflects true luck, fortune and serendipity as a routine and constant occurrence.

Life Clarity Prototype (2nd gen – $2590) – Brings you to understand yourself, what you want out of life, then shifts your thoughts, beliefs and emotions to be far more positive and upbeat in general. Causes you to release from past tension and negativity in such a way that you can move forward with success and removal of negative money beliefs leading you to build a better financial life.

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Custom Subliminal (1st gen – $311) – Make a unique and…custom subliminal that fits what you need, desire and want. Just contact me directly to talk about what you want inside of your personal, custom created subliminal.

Listening Instructions – Use these audios daily…or as consistently as possible – for at least one hour daily. 

There is no maximum listening time, but you may feel effects as quickly as within five minutes of listening. 

Take notice of internal and external changes that the subliminals enact and guide into your life. 

Subliminal Audio Technologies – here…

Here are some subliminal posts that might help…

Dialing up life with subliminal audios

Understanding The Subliminals

If you have any questions…please send me a message at heavysm@gmail.com


If you would like to – purchase the prototype…upgrade 2nd generation – of my subliminals…you must purchase the 1st generation first – then email me directly – to pay for the 2nd generation, and get that sent to you – via email. All 2nd generation audios are custom created…and you must have used the 1st generation – for at least 4 months, before you can use the 2nd generation. 

Please message me directly at heavysm@gmail.com if you have any questions about my subliminals. Each audio subliminal comes as a single water background track…with my messages embedded below the conscious threshold.

If you would like to explore a bit further…

See what people have been…saying about our subliminals, and group engagement.

…perhaps you would enjoy our facebook group just as much as the audios.
