If you are confused about my version 1 – as opposed, to maybe…that version 2, works and might be far too powerful, for most people – which is why…I have some lighter versions of each subliminal, which is called…version 1, and that is the precursor to version 2, which is very powerful – and should never be considered lightly, because – that is all that my clients, and other people can remotely handle…possibly, ever (for now).
Here is a sample of the audio – subliminal technologies, that led me to develop, what is called…version 1.
This version, is vaguely called…0.2 or version 0.2 – which cannot easily empower the mind, yet and I had to develop higher versions, and updates, to make literally 0.3 version later.
Link to version 0.2 – Mind Quiet free 0.2 Rain and Forest Sub
Then I made…version 0.3 or 0.3, and that was still not remotely strong enough – and then I had to develop something greater…
Link to version 0.3 – Mind Quiet free 0.3 Rain and Forest Sub
Version 0.4 or 0.4 was just not strong enough, either…
Link to version 0.4 – Mind Quiet free 0.4 Rain and Forest Sub
Somehow, 0.5 or version 0.5 was vaguely strong enough – but I still had things to update, and make sure it was good, for serious…long term growth…
Link to version 0.5 – Mind Quiet free 0.5 Rain and Forest Sub
But 0.5 was far too strong, for other people – so I had to keep the other weaker and lesser versions, in general, and that helped me to think of the future…and I eventually created version 2.0
Link to version 2.0 – Mind Quiet free 2.0 Rain and Forest Sub
[Take note, that 2.0 here, is a heavily edited – and modified version, of the free Mind Quiet, which is just made into version 2.0, power and speed…to help you see, and experience the full power of the version 2.0…technologies. This is not the paid version of this subliminal at all, and merely contains a bit of the same technologies as the regular version 2.0 power level. The full powered version 2.0 subliminal, must be paid for, and that is only on the sales page]
Link to version 3.0 – Mind Quiet free 3.0 Rain and Forest Sub
[This was the experimental, prototype of – version 3 of Mind Quiet free. It is definitely stronger than the 2.0, and keeps you, calmed and settled in a far deeper way]
I have…all versions figured out, until possibly around version 8 or 9.0, but no one is remotely strong enough to take, beyond 2.0 from what I can see. This is very powerful stuff, but 3.0 for now…is quite strong, and maybe good enough for what I think others can experience…and handle, in general.
There is possibly, no point to making a sample version of version 4.0 and beyond, because the technologies, and…inherent subliminal scripting power, is a little beyond what the brain can manage…and handle, and it might just…not be heard right, and not work.
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Take note that…version 0.5, is version 1.0 now…and that version 2.0 is just far too powerful, for most people – so they have to start with, 1.0 for now. Even though, not so secretly…I have a gradual ramping up, audio technologies in the subliminal – that helps you rise, from versions…0.2 – all the way up to .05. Which is very powerful, and mind – and life altering stuff.
You can hear the feel the difference in each of the audio tracks above. This is not a con or joke, whatsoever…because these subliminals pack, a very humongous life changing – punch, and must be gradually elevated into…so that you can reap the enormous rewards, over time (one minute, of listening…at a time).
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Methods of subliminal scripting – and new technologies…
hyper speed – causes the idea and thing stated to be accepted into the conscious mind, at the highest speeds possible without…any loss of data or timing.
incredible formation – brings great depth to any idea that is present within an idea or script, data formation. This causes all subliminals to be far more powerful, with the ideas formation within each subliminal script….being the best formation of ideas, for maximum effectiveness.
decipher intelligence – causes brute force information to be taken, understood and assimilated at greater – and higher data speeds, by the brain…very integrally and with maximum effectiveness.