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Understanding The Subliminals

If it turns out that you are somehow confused, by some of these subliminals…that might make sense. I have a lot of powerful audios for you to use, and some of them are just, add-ons and building blocks for other subliminals that I have made, for others to use and grow by.

Healing Audios…

Light Heal…was made for life, and emotional mind and mind, mental healing of all sorts and types. This targets issues you have, and helps you get over…just about anything in your conscious and subconscious mind…completely. This is called, Light Heal because – any rougher and some people may not be able to handle this (I am not joking about this whatsoever…)

Deep Heal…was created, to help those who want deeper healing, and emotional evolving aid…than they got with Light Heal. This takes them, very deep into emotional healing, and eventually some mind and emotional mental stability in general (…away from their general, emotional and mind mental, issues).

Deepest Heal…was created, to hold nothing back, and give the strongest emotional and mind mental, resolve and healing, audio that I could create. I have personally use this and all three version types of this audio…for many years.

Zen Meditation…

Zen Mindset…was created, to hep you understand what calm, and peace – and largely, what zen thinking might feel like, and to develop and gain, deep emotional control…all of this, without years of high level meditation (…think about this last thought, for a moment).

Ultimate Meditation…was created, to help you understand what grand and deep, and higher level sound life…and powerful meditation, in the astral and beyond – feels like. This is about understanding your own thoughts, and leveling your emotions and quieting your mind, so that…the deepest meditations are but, moments away…as you start listening here. Your meditation will grow greater, and deeper…over time.

All Wealth and Riches Literature…in Audio form…

Think and Grow Rich…is merely, the book in the form of a powerful subliminal audio. I hope you understand how, different this will feel to have the proper mind, and life programming of…understanding and believing in greater wealth and prosperity. You might not be the same thinking person, after listening to this.

The Science of Getting Rich…might be a little, hard to fathom how to reprogram your entire brain, and life…to understanding, wealth and riches, just with a mere subliminal audio. This is not a small thinking change, with this audio, so just understand…that believing in, and understanding wealth and getting the mentality, and thinking mindset to create everything you desire, and deep…is not, remotely anything that you might have imagined before.

Law of Attraction Masters…might be a little hard to understand upfront, but I used this when I first understood the subconscious mind, and how to meditate on what I wanted and desired…at all times, which is a very hard to fathom, and develop…mentality, and skill. This is partially, the concept of the…mega famous book, The Secret…but most people just want to gain, and learn this idea.

Wealth and Prosperity Mindset…

Business Success…was created, to bring you into successful business, creation and thinking, and everything else needed, to construct and maintain, a successful business…in your life. This is not the same as Millionaire Mindset, and millionaire thinking…because this is about business creation, and becoming mind and life successful…in building and having the thinking, of business success.

Abundant Mindset…was created, to recondition and reprogram your brain, and thinking mind, and whole mentality to higher abundance in general. This might be needed to remove, old stuck blocks and to understand if you even…care or desire greater prosperity in your life. This can help you decide if you want to embrace higher abundance, and remove money related blocks in your life, altogether.

Wealth Mind Amplifier…was designed, to help you dial into greater wealth and grander abundance programming. This is for those…who might want to do, Millionaire Mindset or even Business Success and even Prosperity Amplifier at some point. This is about thinking in terms, of opulence and wealth, which is not always so simple or easy to…remotely fathom, and build into your brain, and thinking mind.

Prosperity Amplifier…was created, to help you deeply embrace prosperity and greatly attract money from all, possible sources. This makes you far more abundant and prosperous through a deep, mind reprogramming to fully embrace higher prosperity, and a greater money mentality, with amplified money attraction…in general.

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Have a question about…which subliminal to start with? Just send me an email, or join the facebook group, to ask me any questions…directly, and I can advise you and guide your subliminal listening –

…email – heavysm@gmail.com

Join the Facebook Group – here…


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